About Me

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winnsboro, Texas, United States

Friday, January 23, 2009

About my art

I have so many things that I do I often have trouble knowing where to find the time to do it.

I love photography most but I'm not interested in attempting to make a living at it. I love to paint and watercolors and colored pencils are my favorite things but I am coming to appreciate my ability to use the brush and move some paint around. I love drawing and at times I will go back to play with the charcoals.

I decided 4 years ago to go to college and get my degree in art and I am nearly finished. But then I have to do the Masters to go for a career as an Art Therapist.

My art was born out of a need to express myself when I could not find the words to explain how I felt about my past life of abuse and neglect. I just needed some way to tell someone what was happening to me and drawing and sculpting gave me that freedom. There are very few people in my present world that have seen my art from my early years. It was dark and sad and over my journey to find answers and change my future I found hope. And over time the hope became light and my art became light.

In the beginning my art was to express the anguish of child abuse but as time went on and I grew I began to find peace in my art. My art became a place where I could sluff off the day's worries and I could escape into a painting.

My photography started with a need to capture beauty and to see good in the world again.

As I changed my art changed and I grew in peace. I could go and sit on the shore of a lake and watch the sun rise or sit with the sky set on fire with color and I found my calm place.

My hope is that each of you find your own way to this place.


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